Wedding invitation

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Blessed is God who has created His creatures in pairs. Ya Allah, allow us to link the love that You created between us to follow the Sunnah of Your Messenger in order to form a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah.
A series of events will be held
Saturday, 12 Desember 202x
Reception Event Countdown
- 00Hari
- 00Jam
- 00Menit
- 00Detik
Akad Nikah
Reception Event Countdown, 12 Desember 202x
08.00 WIB - Finished
Masjid Lorem Ipsum
Jl. Lorem ipsum no. 21 - South Borneo
Resepsi Nikah
Sunday, 13 Desember 202x
09.00 WIB - Finished
Kediaman Mempelai Wanita
Jl. Lorem ipsum no. 21 - South Borneo
An expression of our sincere gratitude if you are willing to attend and give your blessing. If you can't, it is also an honor for us if you (I) can attend virtually and give your blessing," please click the button link below, Thank you.
Andy & Zhea
12 Desember 202x / 08.30 WIB
Meeting ID: 123 456 7890
Andy & Zhea
12 Desember 202x / 08.30 WIB
Youtube Channel / Andy & Zhea

"And among the signs of His greatness is that He created for you a life partner of your own kind so that you can find peace of mind and He made love between you truly that is a sign of His greatness for those who think"
(Surat Ar-Ruum:21)
Cerita Cinta Kami

- Jul 1994

- Feb 2005
There is nothing special in our story. But we are very special to each other. And We are grateful, met Allah at the best time, Now we are waiting for our special day.
Guest Book
Give Your Best Prayers / Wishes To The Bride And Groom
All comments and writings that you provide are a reflection of yourself! Thank You...

Congratulations and happiness can come from anywhere. Without handshakes or warm hugs, there are still knots of smiles and good wishes that we hope for.
Your blessing prayer is a gift that means a lot to us.
And if giving is an expression of your love, you can give gifts cashless by sending a digital envelope by transfer to the account below:
Your blessing prayer is a gift that means a lot to us.

We are the Blessed Ones
Big family
Mr. Lorem And Mrs. Ipsum
Big Family
Mr. Lorem And Mrs. Ipsum